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How InventHelp Can Help You Get Your Idea Off the Ground

The invention process can be long and arduous. To speed things up, experienced inventors recommend building and testing a prototype. This is a cheap way to test your idea and get valuable feedback from potential customers. Potential customers can also be a great source of Invent Help. They can provide you with valuable feedback to refine your product.


If you are ready to start your own business, InventHelp can help you get started. The first step is to get your idea prototyped. This means creating a product of different sizes, features, and details. Although the prototypes will not be functional, they can demonstrate how the finished product will look and function. InventHelp can also refer you to a patent attorney.

Innovate Product Design

invention idea design companies leverage knowledge from a variety of fields to create unique products that meet the needs of customers and the market. They also create products that can be adapted to existing products, ensuring that they are responsive to changes in the market. These companies can also help revive existing products to respond to new competition and other disruptions. Moreover, they help communicate the value of a product, so that buyers continue to purchase it.

George Davison

Whether you are a self-taught inventor or need invention help, George Davison may be able to help. His firm offers a full package to inventors, which includes free information packets and persistent e-mails.

Preliminary research

Preliminary research helps to narrow your topic and choose research methods. It is also helpful in providing proof of concept and pilot data for grant applications. It can also be useful in showing the progression of an idea and determining whether the research will be successful.

Contract with company

If you're considering contracting with a company for InventHelp, there are a few things you should consider. You need to be aware of the company's business strategy, vision, and liability, and consider the expectations of both parties. For instance, the company may not want to assign its rights to the invention if the invention is an invention created by an employee. In such a case, you need to consult a patent attorney to address this issue.


The cost of invention help varies widely. Some companies charge as little as $800, while others charge as much as $10,000. The cost varies depending on the level of services and the marketing plan an inventor chooses. Some companies take a percentage of profits, while others don't.